Chamber Board of Directors Openings
Have you ever considered becoming a member of the Chamber Board of Directors? In the coming months, there will be openings on the board as some of our long-time directors reach the end of their terms.
The Chamber is committed to actively seeking a diverse and inclusive board that represents all ages, genders and races in addition to encompassing many sizes and types of industry and business from all parts of Jefferson County & beyond. The goal is to have board members who are eager to work, not just at the monthly meetings but as committee members, volunteers and “ambassadors” of the chamber, supporting its many initiatives, projects and events. In addition, an ideal board candidate literally brings something to the table in terms of professional and personal experience, educational background, areas of expertise, professional reputation or a combination of these attributes.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, please email Tricia Maple, Chamber President, at tmaple@jeffersoncountychamber for more details and a complete prospective board member packet.