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Small Business Grants Available!

The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce announces the CDBG Small Business Micro-Grant Program for new or early-stage businesses located in Steubenville’s low-moderate-income demographic areas. Funds, ranging from $2,500 to $7,500 per business, will assist with start-up costs, thus contributing to their initial success and continued revitalization of our community.

The City of Steubenville’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provided funding to the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce to develop and maintain viable urban communities by providing economic development opportunities. CDBG funding must meet the national objective to benefit the low-moderate-income demographic, including business retention activities.

A Microenterprise Business is defined as a commercial enterprise that has at least one but not more than five (5) employees, including the owner(s). one or more of which is the principal and owns the enterprise at the time of application. This includes both part-time and full-time employees. A Microenterprise Business is a private for-profit business entity; corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship that is legal, licensed, and is operating in the City of Steubenville.

Program Overview:

Grant awards will be between $2,500 to $7,500 for qualifying for-profit small businesses. The business must be located in a qualifying low-to-moderate service area within the City of Steubenville. New and newly established is defined as businesses opened for business within the last 12 months or planning to open within 6 months of application.  The Business must also sell products or services to residents of Steubenville’s low-to-moderate income neighborhoods. 

Eligible Uses of Funds:
  • Inventory
  • Procurement of machinery, furniture, and equipment, excluding fixtures, construction equipment and vehicles.
  • Working/Operating capital (not to include interest or finance charges)
  • Defined working/operating capital – Utilities, rent (utilities and rent in non-residential buildings only), business services (accounting, IT, website development)
  • Preparation of architectural/engineering plans/specifications and related plan review fees for interior or exterior improvements to non-residential buildings provided such improvements are specifically identified as “Exempt Activities” in the City’s Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office (OHPO).   This does not include construction costs. 
Ineligible or Restricted Uses of Funds:
  • The repayment of existing debt
  • Employee/owner payroll taxes
  • Reimbursement of costs incurred prior to loan/grant award
  • Reimbursement for interest charges or finance changes of any kind with no exceptions
  • Political or religious activities
  • Lobbying any governmental entity
Eligibility Requirements:
  • Business must be located in a qualifying Low-to-Moderate service area within the City of Steubenville, as determined by census tract data. Link to map.
  • Business must sell products or services to residents of the Low-Moderate Income area.
  • Business must be locally owned and non-franchised
  • Business must not have more than five (5) employees, including the owner(s)
  • A newly established business is defined as opening from January 1, 2022, through the present day
  • Applicant must have the required local, State and Federal licenses, permits, or registrations to operate their business within the City of Steubenville.
  • No applications will be considered if the current business or entity is in arrears for City taxes or has any other outstanding liens or judgements.
  • All grant awardees will be required to enter into a CDBG Grant Agreement with the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce prior to issuance of grant funds.
  • Grant funds not meeting HUD criteria, will need to be repaid to the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce
  • Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis
  • Only complete applications will be processed.
How To Apply:
  • Submit the form below
  • Eligible business may apply
  • Qualifying businesses selected to receive grants will be contacted with a request to submit additional documentation prior to issuance of grant award.
Application and Review Process:
  • Applications will be reviewed by a committee of business peers selected by the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce.
  • If the applicant is unable to complete the application, it will be denied.
Contact for More Information:

Please contact Kate Sedgmer at for more information.

MicroEnterprise Grant Application

General Information:

Applicant Name(Required)
What is your businesses' organizational structure?(Required)

Ownership & Management Structure

List all proprietors, partners, and/or stockholders with at least 20% ownership in the business:
Add lines as necessary.

Project Budget & Financial Information

Please check all scopes of the project that apply:(Required)

Please include individual expenses and total project cost.
Does the owner/s have at least 10% CASH equity contribution to the project?(Required)


Does the business owner reside within Steubenville?(Required)
Do you attest that you have obtained or applied for all local, state and federal licenses, permits, and registrations to operate?(Required)
Is your business registered with the State of Ohio?(Required)

Documentation Requirements

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 16 MB.
    1. A business plan/narrative including budget and timeframe of the activities. 2. Include a list of all financial backing for the project. (Loans/Investors/etc.) 3. A copy of all local state, and federal licenses.
    Clear Signature