GOLF OUTING: Please note that the Chamber’s annual Golf Classic has been postponed to Tuesday, September 22nd. If you are a golfer, sponsor or volunteer, you need not do anything unless the new date prevents you from participating. If you are unable to play or have other conflicts, please contact the Chamber offices at 740.282.6226. If you’d like to register a team, donate a prize, inquire about sponsorship or volunteer opportunities or print an informational brochure and registration page, please click here.
COFFEE & CONNECTIONS: There will be no Coffee & Connections tomorrow. Please watch your email for details on when we will begin this program again.
EMPLOYMENT NEEDS: Next, the Chamber, its Education & Workforce Training Committee and Ohio Means Jobs are working together on some creative and helpful programs to assist you in getting the word out about your employment needs and job openings. Please email your information on positions you are interested in filling to with “Job Bank Information” in the subject line. Include the following:
- You business name
- Job title
- Job description/hours/shifts
- Pay rate, if possible
- Skills/education needed
- How to apply
- The contact person at your business regarding hiring and their email address/phone number
Last, check out the new Ohio Dept. of Job & Family Services COVID-19 Labor Market Information website by clicking here. This site will provide you with a link to data on job posting information for all 88 Ohio counties. You will get a quick snapshot of job posting trends for businesses, occupations and industries. The data will give you a sense of what is happening to your local economy during the pandemic.