Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
On November 3, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill marking the third Monday of every January as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. And in January 1986, the first national Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday was observed. While marches and parades, the typical forms of remembrance, are not now possible due to safety concerns, it is an extremely important year to note the message and achievements of this significant civil rights leader. Please read on for messages and commentary from local black leaders and business owners. And click here for a list of events and activities in our area.
Michael McIntyre, President – Steubenville NAACP
“With the optimism of the New Year coming, we at the Steubenville NAACP will use Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s question from the title of his last book as our guide, which is Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?. We will choose community and try to partner with those in the community who agree with Dr. King’s legacy of equality for the Black Citizens in America.”
Dr. James Baber – Retired Educator
“We have had a difficult year in 2020 due to the virus, social unrest, police brutality, lack of employment, food insecurity and drug issues, but there is hope in the future for 2021. As the Reverend Jessie Jackson quotes often, “We must keep hope alive.’’
Chari Bills, School Director – Ohio Phlebotomy Training Center, Steubenville
“A riot is the language of the unheard” is one of my favorite quotes of Dr. King. In light of what our society is going through, let’s not focus on the riots or the behavior but let’s try to look at the bigger picture and view things from the other side – the side of the minority.”
Phil Livingston, Owner – Baby Boyz Barbecue & Catering, Toronto
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” This is my favorite Dr. King quote. Be mindful of situations and handle your challenges and controversy with grace. Take the time to understand what lies in front of you.”