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Governor DeWine’s May 26th Press Conference

Below are the updates from yesterday’s press conference with Governor DeWine and Dr. Acton. There will be no press conference today. The next press conference is currently scheduled for Thursday (5/28).

Ohio’s (5/27) COVID-19 case data:

  • 30,827 confirmed cases
  • 2,179 probable cases
  • 33,006 total cases
  • 5,579 hospitalizations
  • 1,803 confirmed deaths
  • 199 probable deaths
  • 2,002 total deaths
  • 1,450 ICU admissions

Governor DeWine announced the formation of new Congregate Care Unified Response Teams to test residents and staff members in Ohio’s nursing homes. Medically-trained members of the Ohio National Guard will begin testing residents and staff within nursing homes beginning this week. This testing will help nursing home administrators gauge the status of the virus in their facilities and help isolate the virus to stop it from infecting their community. Here is more information on Ohio nursing home testing.

Testing will be conducted in facilities where residents or workers have confirmed or assumed positive cases. Testing will be conducted on all staff, and the testing of residents will be based on a clinically-driven strategy that targets those who have likely been exposed to COVID-19.

In addition, the Congregate Care Unified Response Teams will begin the testing of all residents and staff members in the state’s eight developmental centers to try to limit the spread of COVID-19 in congregate care settings.

COVID-19 signage and health screening questions for use with customers/clients as resources for businesses and other organizations who want to use them are available on the coronavirus website.

Here are Responsible RestartOhio documents for Deputy Registrars and driver examination services:

Ohioans can apply for unemployment benefits online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at It is also possible to file by phone at 877-644-6562 or TTY at 888- 642-8203, Monday through Friday 7AM to 7PM, Saturday 9AM to 5PM, and Sunday 9AM to 1PM. Employers with questions should email

As always, Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov and the Department of Health hotline, 1-833-4-ASK-ODH are great resources for those who have questions.