2016 Investor To Investor Trade Fair Just Around The Corner
Begin 2016 by putting your business in the spotlight at one of the Chamber’s most popular promotional and networking events of the year. The annual, “Investor to Investor Trade Fair & Business After Hours” will be held Monday, January 25th from 5 to 7 p.m. at St. Florian Hall in Wintersville.
Designed to promote member-to-member and local spending, this event is a mini-trade fair with Chamber member exhibitors promoting their products and services in a casual “Business After Hours” setting. Only Chamber member businesses are given this opportunity and it truly is an affordable, convenient and effective promotional event. Last year nearly 60 businesses had display booths and over 150 chamber members and guests attended the event.
Back by popular demand is an exciting drawing that all exhibitors and attendees are eligible to win – a Media Prize Package valued at over $8,000. A great way to kick off your 2016 marketing plan, it includes display advertising, web design, radio and television spots and more, with no strings attached. Every paid admission receives an entry in the drawing.
The deadline for registration is Monday, January 18th and space is limited and reserved on a first come, first served basis. To register, email Janet King, Investor Relations Coordinator at jking@jeffersoncountychamber.com or contact the Chamber offices at 740.282.6226.