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Coronavirus Resource Center


We have moved our Chamber resources page. Click here, COVID-19 Resource Center, to keep up with the latest information and resources.

The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce has gathered information and resources from local, state and federal agencies and programs to provide a comprehensive resource page for your assistance.  This information continues to be updated daily so please check back often.

Always remember to rely on official, trusted sources for information and not secondhand knowledge.  Rumors and bad information spread faster than any disease and this can hinder the dissemination of solid, helpful facts.  The Chamber staff will do its best to provide information, programming and services to assist your business, organization, employees and families during this difficult time.


With much in the news regarding the coronavirus outbreak, it’s important for local employers to be up-to-speed on the latest information and what they can do to keep their employees safe in the workplace. Please click below for helpful and current information.

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Most Recent Updates

State of Ohio Updates

State of West Virginia Information & Updates

Employer/Job/Workforce Information

US Chamber Updates & Information

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US Small Business Administration Information

Jefferson County Chamber Information & Resources

Jefferson County Information

Federal Updates

COVID-19 Facts & Information

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